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500kg medium frequency induction furnace


1, the composition of 500kg medium frequency induction furnace :

400kw intermediate frequency power supply - compensation capacitor cabinet - aluminum shell furnace or steel shell furnace - tilting furnace system - remote control box , ZXZ-40T closed loop cooling tower.

2 , 500 kg medium frequency induction furnace price: total

The price of the 500kg medium frequency induction furnace is calculated according to the power of the intermediate frequency power supply and the volume of the furnace body. Different configuration prices vary. This price is for reference only. For specific prices, please contact: [email protected]   

Item nameSpecification model
400kw medium frequency power supply cabinet400KW/0.5T/1000HZ
Filter compensation capacitor cabinet0.75- 2 000-1S
0.5T steel furnace shellGW- 0.5T
Water cooled cableLHSD- 300
Model0.5T furnace dedicated

3 , 500kg medium frequency induction furnace furnace structure selection

Composition of medium frequency induction furnace furnace: 500kg frequency induction furnace furnace furnace shell consists of four parts, an induction coil, lining, etc. gearbox tilting furnace furnace structure wherein selecting two ways: as a reducer in a manner tilting furnace The supply of aluminum alloy structure melting furnace is commonly known as aluminum shell furnace. The induction melting furnace of the steel structure with the hydraulic cylinder as the tilting furnace is commonly called the steel shell furnace. The steel shell furnace is a steel structure , and the aluminum shell furnace shell material is an aluminum alloy . 500kg medium frequency induction furnace because of its small size , generally choose aluminum shell reducer structure .

Furnace bodySteel shell furnaceAluminum shell furnace
Furnace shell materialSteel structureAluminum structure
Furnace tilting mechanismHydraulic cylinderReducer
Furnace hydraulic pumping stationHaveno
Furnace coverHaveno
Leakage alarmHaveno
Energy consumption650Kw.h/t700Kw.h/t
life10 years4-5 years

4, 0.5 tons of intermediate frequency furnace configuration:

Equipment model GWT-0.5/400Technical indicatorsTechnical indicators
rated power400KW400KW
Phase voltage380V380V
Rated voltage1500V1500V
Rated Capacity0.5T0.5T
Rated temperature1800 ° C1800 ° C
Power SpecificationsKGPS-0.5/ 400KGPS-0.5/ 400
Single set price(aluminum shell structure)(steel shell structure)
Complete configuration list:Fast intermediate frequency power supplyset
Compensation capacitor cabinetset
Two stovesTwo
ReducerSteel shell
Water cooled cableTwo
Manual informationOne
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