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Factors Affecting the Power of Intermediate Frequency Furnace and Methods to Improve Power

intermediate frequency furnace power

When the intermediate frequency furnace is working, sometimes the power of the equipment does not meet the standard, which will increase the time for melting and processing of the furnace body and affect the efficiency and quality of equipment production. So, do you know the factors that affect the intermediate frequency furnace power? And, are there any methods to improve its ability? Today we will give you a brief summary.

1. The rectifier part of the intermediate frequency furnace is not properly adjusted, the rectifier tube is not fully turned on, and the DC voltage does not reach the rated value. At this time, the trigger circuit of the intermediate frequency furnace rectifier circuit should be adjusted in time.

2. If the intermediate frequency voltage value is adjusted too high or too low, it will affect the power output. At this time, the intermediate frequency voltage needs to be adjusted to a suitable value.

3. Improper adjustment of the cut-off and cut-off values ​​of the intermediate frequency furnace will also reduce the power output of the furnace body. At this time, the cut-off and cut-off values ​​of the intermediate frequency furnace should be re-adjusted.

4. Only the supporting power supply and furnace body can play their due role. Whether the IF power supply and the furnace body are matched should be checked. If they are not matched, they should be replaced in time.

5. If the compensation capacitor is configured too much or too little, the economic power output of electrical and thermal efficiency cannot be obtained. The compensation capacitor of the furnace should be reconfigured according to the rated value of the intermediate frequency power supply.

6. It is also very important to adjust the distributed inductance of the output circuit of the intermediate frequency furnace equipment and the additional inductance of the resonant circuit in time. Be careful not to be too large or too small, and keep the values ​​regular.

7. If the furnace lining is too thick, the induction coils at the bottom of the furnace are buried more, the material of furnace material is not good or the furnace charge is not real, etc., you should adjust or replace the appropriate furnace lining material in time according to the selection method of the intermediate frequency furnace lining material, and do a good job in the daily life of the furnace lining.

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