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Medium frequency induction furnace

  1. Medium frequency induction furnace includes:

KGPS IF power supply - compensation capacitor cabinet - aluminum shell furnace or steel shell furnace - tilting furnace system - remote control box, closed-loop cooling tower.

  1. Furnace structure (steel shell furnace and aluminum shell furnace)

Aluminum shell furnace body; aluminum shell, induction coil, reducer

Steel shell furnace body includes: steel shell furnace body, induction coil and magnetic field shielding system. Three main parts

  1. KGPS medium frequency power supply.

According to the power size of the variable frequency induction furnace, you can choose KGPS variable frequency power supply, 12 pulse power supply and 24 pulse power supply, and IGBT variable frequency power supply. The control mode of IF power supply can be designed as local control, touch screen control, remote control and computer control.

Medium frequency induction furnace

Author:admin time:2019-08-10 14:06

1, medium frequency induction furnace consists of:

KGPS IF power supply - compensation capacitor cabinet - aluminum shell furnace or steel shell furnace - tilting furnace system - remote control box , closed loop cooling tower.

2 , furnace structure ( steel shell furnace and aluminum shell furnace )

Aluminum shell furnace body; aluminum shell, induction coil , reducer

The steel shell furnace body includes: a steel shell furnace body , an induction coil, and a magnetic field shielding system . Three major parts

KGPS IF power supply ,

Frequency induction furnace according to the power of the size can be selected KGPS frequency power supply , 12 pulse frequency power supply and a 24 pulse frequency power supply may be selected IGBT frequency power supply . The control mode of the IF power supply can be designed as local control, touch screen control, remote control, and computer control.

Medium frequency induction furnace technical parameters :

Medium frequency induction furnace modelGWGY - 1GWGY -2GWGY -3
Rated capacity (T)123
Medium frequency power ( KW )100015002000
Frequency ( Hz )1000800800
Rated temperature ( °C )165016501650
Melting time (minutes / furnace)606080
Power consumption ( kwh/t )550~600550~600550~600
Cooling water pressure0.2~0.3Mpa0.2~0.3Mpa0.2~0.3Mpa
Inlet water temperature ( °C )≤35≤35≤35
Outlet water temperature ( °C )≤55≤55≤55

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