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What does the price of a melting furnace have to do with?


The induction melting furnace is a mechanical equipment used for thermal processing in the metal processing industry. It has the advantages of good performance and reliable operation. However, the melting furnace price varies along with the different components being used. Today, we will introduce the impact of some mechanical components on the price of the melting furnace.

1. Furnace shell

The furnace shell maters a lot for the melting furnace price. That is because the difference of furnace shells can directly affect the heat transfer rate, total weight of the furnace, operating safety, etc. The price difference from general steel furnace shells, stainless steel furnace shells, and aluminum furnace shells is about double.

2. Copper bars and copper pipes

The price difference between bronze and copper pipes is mainly due to the material. The type of copper, the purity of copper, etc. are all factors that affect the price difference of copper row copper tubes, and also indirectly become one of the factors affecting the price of intermediate frequency furnaces.

3. Chassis

The chassis is the most expensive among the components of the intermediate frequency furnace. Because there are many parts in the chassis, each part is of good or bad quality, and the cost of the chassis can even vary several times or even dozens of times.

4. Capacitor

The price difference on capacitors is not in itself, but mostly in the number of configurations. The price of capacitors is not very different, generally only a few hundred dollars.

5. SCR

Thyristor is one of the main components of power supply equipment. Generally speaking, the thyristor materials produced by various manufacturers are basically the same. The price difference mainly exists in the quality fluctuation. The quality of the products of large-scale manufacturers fluctuates relatively. smaller.

6. Other small mechanical components

There are also differences in some small mechanical components, such as resistors, plastic wires, water-cooled cables, water pipes, and transformers. These will affect the overall price of the melting furnace.

This is what we share today, welcome to pay attention to Luoyang Judian to learn more about the melting furnace.

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