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Steel smelting equipment


Continuous rolling mill rolling is an efficient metal processing method.

Judian medium frequency induction furnace
  1. Working principle

The continuous rolling mill consists of multiple rollers, through which the metal billet passes in sequence. During the rolling process, each roller applies a certain pressure to the metal, making the metal gradually thinner and longer, while changing its shape and properties. The speed and rolling force of each roller cooperate with each other to ensure that the metal maintains a stable speed and tension during the continuous rolling process.

  1. Advantages
  2. High production efficiency: Due to continuous rolling, the number of heating times and intermittent time of the billet are reduced, which greatly improves production efficiency.
  3. Good product quality: The continuous rolling mill can accurately control the rolling parameters, so that the product has high dimensional accuracy and good surface quality.
  4. Energy saving: Compared with traditional single-frame rolling, the continuous rolling mill has relatively low energy consumption during the rolling process.
  5. Application field

    Continuous rolling mills are widely used in steel, non-ferrous metals and other industries to produce various plates, strips, pipes and other products. For example, in steel production, continuous rolling mills can produce hot-rolled steel plates, cold-rolled steel plates, galvanized plates, etc.; in non-ferrous metal processing, they can be used to produce aluminum plates, copper plates, zinc plates, etc.

    III. Operation precautions
  6. Ensure the normal operation of the equipment: Before rolling, the continuous rolling mill should be fully inspected and debugged to ensure that all components operate normally and the electrical system is stable and reliable.
  7. Control rolling parameters: Strictly control rolling temperature, speed, tension and other parameters to ensure product quality and equipment safety.
  8. Do a good job of maintenance: Regularly maintain the continuous rolling mill, replace worn parts in time, and keep the equipment in good condition.

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